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About Us

Nestling snugly under the rolling slopes of the Tallaght hills in suburban south Dublin, you’ll find the mill that traveled 180km to be available to us today. It was first licensed in the 1750s as a Coaching Inn on the old coach road to Wicklow. From its origins on what was previously one of the five ancient highways of Ireland, this old license is steeped in the riches of Irish history.

In 1997, Louis Fitzgerald reconstructed the venue. He meticulously fashioned the theme and contents from a genuine mill. Thereafter, Louis Fitzgerald proceeded to transport the mill in its totality from County Tipperary. Subsequently, today it comes complete with a myriad of hospitality options including carvery, grill restaurant, bingo and games, mini golf and beautiful function rooms in the heart of Tallaght. But don’t take our word for it, come and see this marvel of a venue for yourself!

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